Custom Closets

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Want Custom Closets in Eckerty or Taswell, IN?

Take your home to the next level

Why settle for a cookie-cutter closet when you could have one that's built specifically to meet your needs? Consult the custom closet builders at SCHWARTZ Custom Furniture about your ideas today. We'll build a custom closet with plenty of storage space. Visit our showroom for inspiration or schedule an in-home consultation with our designers. Once we have a feel for your vision, we'll get to work.

Get your 3D rendering done today. Call now to schedule a consultation in Taswell or Eckerty, IN.

If you can dream it, we can build it

The design opportunities are endless when you work with our custom closet builders. You can trust our team to:

Expand your closet space
Adjust your closet's layout
Provide decorative painting services
Handle the mudding and drywall work
Add built-in storage or organization features

We use advanced technology to develop a 3D rendering, and top-of-the-line materials to build your custom closet.

Plan your service in Eckerty or Taswell, IN now.